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This hands-on session is for the coffee enthusiast who wants to get more from the coffee they’re making at home. We will cover both filter brewing and espresso preparation. You will have the opportunity to broaden your overall coffee knowledge, covering the journey of the bean from the farm to our roastery.

Filter Brewing:
Introduction to coffee brewing theory, covering variables, including grind size, water temperature, and time.
A demonstration and detailed talk through of both a V60 and Aeropress followed by a hands-on training

Espresso and Milk Steaming:
Introduction to espresso theory and recipes
Demonstration of shot preparation and tasting, followed by participants preparing espresso.
Introduction to milk steaming and latte art, followed by a lesson on the milk steaming process
Lastly, a quick lesson on how to clean and maintain your machine

We keep the classes small to ensure each attendee gets plenty of time to practice what they learn. You will also receive a 250g bag of coffee to take home.

For any additional information or booking please contact Piero at our roastery – 07712 899334 - or training@nudeespresso.com